Aquapalace Adventures

Aquapalace Adventures

My last weekend here in Prague has come to an end. I can’t believe how quickly the time has passed! It doesn’t seem real that we’re leaving in just a couple of days. I can tell denial has set in, because I haven’t started to pack at all, and I still have a lot of souvenirs left to buy.

But I’d say this past weekend was the perfect goodbye to Prague. I got to spend it with the awesome friends I’ve made here, and it even felt like vacation!

Yesterday we went to the Aquapalace, which is the biggest water park in central Europe. I armed myself with sunscreen, donned my bathing suit, and prepared to be thrown around in the human rapids.


Professor Darling’s kids challenge each other to a game of chicken.

Yesterday it really sunk in that very soon I’d be leaving Prague, and, in a way, leaving the awesome friends I’ve made here. Even though we all come from the same university, so we’ll be able to hang out when we get back, it still won’t be the same. Never again will we all be together in Prague. After spending a month with this group, it will be weird not seeing them every day. But I’m thankful I got to go on these great outings with them on our last weekend!

A mixture of Documentary Photography and Reading Prague folks.

Beating the Heat

Beating the Heat

I’m a Texas girl: By this point, I know heat. But that doesn’t mean I’ll ever really get used to it. Back home, when the wrath of summertime descends upon us, I hole up in an air-conditioned house and draw the curtains. Occasionally I’ll venture out into the world and crawl into my air-conditioned car and go get some frozen yogurt.

But Prague? They’re not really into air-conditioning here. After we’ve walked all day, I’m ready to go relax and cool off. But when I get back to my apartment every day, it’s just as warm as it is outside.

But we manage to find ways to beat the heat! People swarmed around a fountain during the hottest hours of the day, drinking the cold water then splashing it on their face and hair. During the walking tour we had today, we only stopped in shaded areas, or inside cool buildings. Other times, I armed myself with my umbrella to ward off the sun’s rays, and spare my pale skin from a raging sunburn.


Our nice tour guide, who directed us inside as often as possible.

I remember when I first arrived in Prague, it was freezing! All of a sudden, without any real warning, it’s crazy-hot.
Prague is a lot like Texas after all!